The destruction of Lismore......

Piles of mud plastered debris outside a pharmacy in South Lismore.

Flood damaged office furniture on the streets of Lismore in the wake of the March 2022 flood disaster. Image by local photographer, Michelle Hartnett

Flood damaged office furniture piled up on the sidewalk.

Every residential and commercial street in Lismore is now lined with mountainous piles of wet, muddy, broken debris that has been scrapped, shovelled and shifted out of descimated homes, shops and businesses. The devastation and destruction is beyond anything you could imagine, yet our magnificent ‘Mud Army’- or ‘Mud Angels’ as my friend, Julie, has christened the community based volunteer clean-up crews- continue to work tirelessly to restore some kind of order. I wish I could show you them in action, but I do not believe in sticking cameras in the faces of traumatised people. Just know that every inch of the progress being made to help our shattered towns and villages, is solely due to the superhuman efforts of our community volunteers and the tireless volunteer SES, fire brigade and rescue crews. There will never be any way possible to thank them enough.

Debris and rubble outside Lismore's Star Court Arcade in the wake of the March 2022 flood disaster. Image by local photographer, Michelle Hartnett.

Piles of rubbish and debris line the streets of Lismore’s CBD.