Dropped into the blender

“ Life is mostly froth and bubble; Two things stand like stone: Kindness in another’s troubles, Courage in our own.” (Poet, Adam Lindsay Gordon)

“Just put it all behind you.”, “Move on.”, “Keep moving forward.”.  I’m hearing lots of these well-meaning comments at the moment as I start to try and assemble a new life, post-cancer. And while I agree with the caring sentiments behind such advice, and am in grateful raptures that I am finally on the improve, it’s still very early days in my recovery.

I was recently reminded by my GP that being diagnosed with cancer is like being picked up and dropped into a blender. Every part of your life- relationships, family, friendships, work, health, lifestyle, finances- are all whizzed up in a shattering blitz of chemo, surgery and radiation. Then, if you’re lucky enough to survive, you’re tipped out and left with the daunting process of piecing together all your broken, crushed pieces.

If I’m honest, I’m finding these early days of cancer recovery to be an uncertain and anxious time. A time of huge change and transition away from the safety net of my tight-knit oncology, chemo and specialist nursing team. A time of dealing with the deep grief, pain, suffering, loss and sadness that comes with the cancer experience. Sorry Christmas, but it’s just the way it is this year!

Eventually, I know that everything will come out in the wash, but it’s going to take time and an ocean of patience. Two things that I’m learning are essential ingredients in putting back together what has come out of the blender.